Tooth Infection

Sensitive Teeth- PHC Dental Care of Miami Florida

Tooth infections, also known as dental abscesses, develop when bacteria invades the inner part of a tooth, leading to an accumulation of pus and inflammation. A tooth infection can spread and cause complications. It is important to treat tooth infections immediately. The following are some of our treatments available for tooth infections:

  • Antibiotics: Antibiotics are prescribed to control the infection and prevent it from spreading. Commonly prescribed antibiotics include penicillin, amoxicillin, or clindamycin. 
  • Drainage: In cases where the infection has formed an abscess or a pocket of pus, the dentist may need to drain the abscess to promote healing. This involves making a small incision to release the pus and relieve pressure, followed by thorough cleaning and disinfection of the affected area.
  • Root canal therapy: A root canal procedure may be necessary if the pulp is infected. During this treatment, the dentist removes the infected pulp, cleans and disinfects the root canal, and seals it to prevent further infection. A crown may be placed on the tooth to protect and restore its strength.
  • Extraction: In some cases, when the tooth is severely infected and cannot be saved, extraction may be the only viable option. After removing the infected tooth, the dentist may recommend tooth replacement options such as dental implants, bridges, or dentures.
  • Pain management: To alleviate discomfort and pain associated with tooth infections, over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be used. Dentists may also prescribe stronger pain medications if needed.

A tooth infection is a serious condition. If you think you have a tooth infection call us immediately for an urgent consultation with one of our dentists to evaluate the severity of the infection and recommend the most suitable course of action to prevent complications and restore oral health.


A tooth infection, also known as a dental abscess, is a pocket of pus caused by a bacterial infection in or around a tooth. It can result from untreated tooth decay, a cracked tooth, or gum disease.

Common symptoms of a tooth infection include severe toothache, swelling of the face or gums, fever, a foul taste in the mouth, and sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures.

Treatment for a tooth infection typically involves draining the abscess, clearing the infection with antibiotics, and addressing the underlying cause, such as a cavity or damaged tooth.

Yes, if left untreated, a tooth infection can spread to the surrounding tissues or into the bloodstream, leading to serious complications. Seeking prompt treatment is crucial to prevent further health issues.

In many cases, a root canal is the recommended treatment for a tooth infection. The procedure involves removing the infected pulp from the tooth, disinfecting the area, and sealing it to prevent reinfection.

If the tooth is severely infected and cannot be saved, tooth extraction may be necessary. Afterward, the dentist will discuss tooth replacement options, such as dental implants or bridges.

Client Testimonials

"PHC Dental Care saved me from excruciating pain caused by a tooth infection. Their quick and efficient treatment relieved my symptoms and restored my oral health. Grateful for their expertise!"
Michael R.
"I was worried about my tooth infection spreading, but PHC Dental Care took immediate action. Their caring approach and root canal treatment left me pain-free and with a healthier smile."
Remi K.
"Dealing with a tooth infection was stressful, but PHC Dental Care provided excellent care. Their professional team addressed my concerns and guided me through the treatment process with ease."
Landon W.

Suffering from a Tooth Infection? Contact Us Today for More Information!

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