Enamel Erosion

Enamel Erosion- PHC Dental Care of Miami Florida

Enamel erosion is the gradual loss of the outer layer of the tooth, called enamel, due to various factors such as acid exposure, tooth grinding, or aggressive brushing. It can lead to tooth sensitivity, discoloration, and increased risk of cavities. Here are some common treatments for enamel erosion:

  • Desensitizing agents: Dentists may recommend desensitizing toothpaste or gels containing ingredients like fluoride or potassium nitrate to alleviate tooth sensitivity caused by enamel erosion. These products help to reduce nerve sensitivity and strengthen the remaining enamel.
  • Dietary changes: Avoiding or minimizing the consumption of acidic foods and beverages like citrus fruits, soda, and sports drinks can help prevent further enamel erosion. Additionally, using a straw to drink acidic beverages can reduce their contact with teeth.
  • Saliva stimulation: Chewing sugar-free gum or using saliva-stimulating lozenges can promote saliva production, which helps neutralize acids and re-mineralize teeth. Saliva acts as a natural defense mechanism against enamel erosion.
  • Dental bonding: In cases where the erosion is mild, dental bonding may be an option. This involves applying tooth-colored resin material to the affected areas to restore the appearance and provide some protection to the enamel.
  • Dental crowns or veneers: For more severe cases of enamel erosion, dental crowns or veneers may be recommended. These are custom-made coverings that are placed over the tooth to restore its shape, function, and appearance.
  • Prescription fluoride treatment: In-office fluoride treatments can be administered by dentists to help strengthen and re-mineralize the enamel. This professional-grade fluoride is more concentrated than over-the-counter products.
  • Bite guards or splints: If enamel erosion is caused by tooth grinding or clenching, a custom-made bite guard or splint will protect the teeth from further damage.

Call us for a consultation with one of our dentists for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan based on the severity of enamel erosion.


Enamel erosion can be caused by various factors, including acidic foods and beverages, frequent consumption of sugary or acidic substances, acid reflux, teeth grinding (bruxism), and certain medications.

Common signs of enamel erosion include tooth sensitivity, tooth discoloration, rounded or transparent edges of teeth, cracks or chips on the tooth surface, and increased risk of cavities.

Enamel erosion cannot be reversed since enamel does not contain living cells. However, early-stage erosion can be managed with preventive measures to prevent further damage.

Treatment for enamel erosion involves protecting the remaining enamel, addressing the underlying cause, and preventing further erosion. It may include dental bonding, dental crowns, fluoride treatments, and lifestyle changes.

To prevent enamel erosion, limit acidic and sugary food and drink consumption, use a straw for acidic beverages, practice good oral hygiene, wear a mouthguard for teeth grinding, and visit your dentist regularly.

Yes, enamel erosion can lead to tooth sensitivity because it exposes the dentin layer, which contains sensitive nerve endings. Addressing enamel erosion can help reduce sensitivity and protect the teeth.

Client Testimonials

"I struggled with enamel erosion and tooth sensitivity, but PHC Dental Care's treatment changed everything. Their dental bonding protected my enamel, and now I can enjoy my favorite foods without worries."
Bailey J.
"PHC Dental Care's expertise in enamel erosion treatment impressed me. They provided personalized care and taught me preventive measures to maintain my enamel health. Highly recommend their services!"
Rachel D.
"Enamel erosion was affecting my smile, but PHC Dental Care came to the rescue. Their dental crowns restored the appearance and strength of my teeth. So glad I found them!"
Fielding L.

Ready To Prevent Further Enamel Erosion? Contact Us Today for More Information!

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