Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry - PHC Dental Care of Miami Florida

Sedation dentistry in Miami Premium Healthcare Dental Center focuses on
your comfort!
We use sedative medications to help patients relax and remain calm during
dental procedures. Different levels of sedation are available, ranging from
mild sedation to general anesthesia, depending on the patient’s needs and
the complexity of the procedure.
Sedation dentistry induces a relaxed state that allows dentists to perform
necessary treatments while the patient is comfortable, feeling no pain. After
your overall health and dental evaluation our Board-certified team of dentists
and dental anesthesiologists will discuss the best options for you.


Sedation dentistry involves the use of medication to help patients relax and remain calm during dental procedures. It is especially beneficial for those with dental anxiety or fear.

Yes, sedation dentistry is safe when administered by a trained and experienced dental professional. Our team at PHC Dental Care follows strict safety protocols to ensure your well-being throughout the process.

At PHC Dental Care, we offer different levels of sedation, including oral sedation (via medication), nitrous oxide (laughing gas), and intravenous (IV) sedation. The appropriate option will be determined based on your individual needs.

No, sedation dentistry does not typically involve complete unconsciousness. Most patients remain conscious and responsive during the procedure, but they experience deep relaxation and reduced awareness of their surroundings.

Sedation dentistry is suitable for patients with dental anxiety, fear, or phobias, as well as those who require extensive dental work or have a sensitive gag reflex. It is best to consult with our dental professionals to determine if sedation is right for you.

The duration of sedation varies depending on the type of sedation used. Oral sedation and nitrous oxide wear off relatively quickly, while IV sedation may take a bit longer to dissipate. Our team will monitor you closely and ensure you are fully recovered before leaving.

Like any medical procedure, sedation dentistry carries some risks, although they are minimal. Our experienced team will review your medical history, assess your suitability for sedation, and closely monitor you during the procedure to minimize any potential risks.

To schedule your sedation dentistry appointment at PHC Dental Care, simply contact our office and speak with our friendly staff. We will work with you to find a convenient date and time that accommodates your needs and ensure your dental experience is comfortable and stress-free.

Client Testimonials

"I've always had a fear of going to the dentist, but thanks to PHC Dental Care and their sedation dentistry, I can finally get the dental treatments I need without anxiety. The team was professional, caring, and made sure I felt comfortable throughout the procedure. Highly recommend!"
Raquel C.
"PHC Dental Care exceeded my expectations with their sedation dentistry services. As someone with a sensitive gag reflex, dental procedures were always a challenge for me. The sedation helped me relax, and the procedure was painless. Thank you to the amazing team for their expertise and compassionate care!"
Michael D.
"I can't thank PHC Dental Care enough for introducing me to sedation dentistry. My dental anxiety used to prevent me from seeking necessary treatment, but now I feel at ease during my appointments. The sedation allowed me to undergo extensive dental work without fear or discomfort. It has truly been life-changing!"
Cory Y.

In need of Sedation Dentistry? Contact Us Today for More Information!

Don’t wait any longer. Contact us today to set you your appointment. Our dental professionals are ready to assist you.